File // Market Optimization Bureau // PERSON OF INTEREST // STATUS: Observation Operative (O.O.) // CLASS: subversive // METHOD: literary-artistic // MEANS: print // INFRINGEMENTS: p.e.o.p.l.e / M.V.R. //
- V. Kasden
- Norah Landauf
- M.A.C.
"Daily we hear it said that history is over, that all is future now. The only response to this is to set about the work of remembering. One owes it to oneself, if not to the unknown numbers of persons in one's own position, to pause and formulate in one's own words the nature of the situation. So, for whomever may find this after my death, at the earliest beginning of the long-forestalled reconstruction, listen: We have seen the deliberate draining away of significance from the works and traditions of Western Civilization. This due to the abandonment of historical perspective and the total supersession of individualism as a cultural value. Furthermore, the loss of civic aspiration -- that age-old emphasis on the importance of municipal, civilizational centers of knowledge and achievement -- has left us absent an infrastructure that is anything more than barely functional. Futurity, Collectivity, Technology (social, interactive, virtual, interplanetary), the Network, Objectivity, Plutocratic Aspiration, Market Optimization -- these are the ultimate values and aims of the age. All things serve these or else perish in Irrelevance." --Private Papers